Needles may be a strong therapy, despite the fact that many people are scared of them. Dry needling is a type of acupuncture that uses thin monofilament needles to treat pain, stimulate muscle function, and promote tissue regeneration. Because it does not employ a medicine like receiving a shot, the needle is “dry.” When individuals who were receiving muscle injections began to feel pleasure before the medicine was really injected, it became possible for scientists and physicians to start investigating this technique. Although it is a relatively recent therapy, it has been extensively investigated by medical clinicians, physical therapists, and chiropractors, and is considered to be both safe and effective.
Dry needling is an effective and successful therapy for neuromusculoskeletal discomfort. It may relieve joint pain, reduce tender points, loosen tense muscles, enhance blood flow and circulation, as well as restore function. Head and neck pain, whiplash, headaches or migraines, degenerative joint disease, degenerative disk disease, and osteoarthritis are just a few of the conditions that may be treated by chiropractic care.
What exactly is a trigger point?
A trigger point is a knot in the muscle that has been overused. The pain will be felt around this region by the individuals. The tension in the gluteus medius is reduced using dry needling. The needle injection has a little anaesthetic effect on the trigger point, making it an effective method of alleviating pain.
Will dry needling cause me any pain?
Dry Needling is typically pain-free. The needles used are extremely thin and should barely be felt when inserted correctly. Patients may feel a brief twitch after the implantation, which might cause a moment of tingling or a recurrence of their pain in that muscle. Although superficial static dry needling can be uncomfortable in certain cases, it is almost completely pain-free.
It’s possible to feel a little pinch for a brief period when the needle is first placed, but this type of needling does not hurt or produce long-term muscular discomfort like some other types. What sort of needles are used? The needles are the same size and shape as those used for acupuncture. They’re made out of the solid core, not hollow needles, similar to the ones you get when you get a vaccination. Because these needles are so tiny and solid, they do not cut the skin when they’re put in; instead, they just push the skin cells aside. This is why they are pain-free and do not cause tissue damage. For each patient, we also utilise only new, single-use, disposable needles that have never been used.
What role does dry needling play in my chiropractic treatment?
In the hands of a qualified therapist, dry needling is a very secure technique. Dry Needling is a beneficial addition to your chiropractic therapy if you are suffering from persistent muscular discomfort. The peripheral nerves don’t always talk to one another properly, so this can aid in the re-calibration of your nervous system’s instructions to your muscles.
When will the pain go away after the therapy?
Increased mobility is the most frequent immediate result of dry needling. While you will usually feel immediate improvement following your first session, it might take a while for you to feel alleviated. Depending on the severity, duration, and site of your pain, you may require up to two months of dry needling treatments before you achieve complete relief.
Many people who have gone through therapy have reported significant alleviation, and many physical therapists advocate its usefulness. There’s a high probability you will receive long-term pain relief from this procedure. The greatest thing to do is start the discussion with your chiropractor or physical therapist to get a treatment strategy that will help you live a more mobile and pain-free life.